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By Jurf
A bit of feedback on the Evo1650 vs Enduro1300:
Somehow the last few weeks the wind has only been blowing when I have to work, so I haven't been able to wing the EVO1650 yet, but I have been able to supfoil next to the Enduro1300 (both with the HA43) for the last few days in waves from knee to shoulderhigh. I really love to supfoil, but we don,t have Bretagne conditions and i,m just an intermediate.
What I noticed was that the EVO1650 creates a bit more lift on take-off. Both have quick lift, but the Evo is a bit more powerfull in that and needs just a bit less push to lift. (I get away with 98kg with the 1650 in almost nothing, for the E1300 I do need a reasonable wave).
In short turns and glide, the Enduro has an edge and then feels more slippery. The Evo1650 turns less short (despite less span) and gives a bit more security/is a bit easier.
Both feel like a huge step up from my Kujira1440.
For Sup downwind on inland water I had the SabLevethian1350 (1800cm2), but I no longer need it with the Evo1650. Pretty much the same take-off and the AFS set up has way less drag.
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By Jurf
Wijk aan Zee Netherlands.
This was on an pretty good day for here.
Most of the times it is more chaos, bumpy and windy.
Not the best place for Supfoil/ surfing, but for wingfoil often a pretty good spot with SW wind
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By Jurf
2 weeks ago we spend a week at Crozon and had no big swells but lot of fun days at LaPalue and Goulien.
I had a couple of fun sessions on a normall sup i glassy waves and went Supfoiling on the smaller days.

In Ocean swell like LaPaleu and Goulien the Enduro 1300 is very easy to get on foil and fast, but often on the big side as well. It make a lot of difference compared with the slow northsea (wind) waves we have in the netherlands
After a couple of sessions in headhigh where I need to work hard to keep the E1300 under control I switched to my Pure1100 and that handeld the size better.
When going fast down the line the Enduro 1300 become a bit handfull to make turns with.
That is completely different back home where the slower waves alow a lot of turns.
The Pure, back at home I would never think the Pure 1100 is supable, needs a bit more speed to get going and is in the take-off a bit more wobbly. After that it handlers more speed and feels more in control, almost like the 1300 back home in slower waves :)
So far i,m really happy with my set up :)
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By Thomas
Salut !

Aller, après plusieurs mois et pas mal de sessions j'ai fait une petite vidéo pour exprimer tout ce que je sais, enfin que je crois avoir pigé, sur les Enduros 🔥

J'espère pas trop dire de conneries par rapport à vos ressentis, hésitez pas à commenter 😉

Une dernière chose, j'offre une tringle à rideau AFS au 1er qui m'expliquera à quoi sert le bout de bois avec les 2 tiges blanches dans ma douche (et pas de trucs sexuels hein 🤣!!!!)

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